So, if you combine those two pictures, you get a rough idea of what my dream baby looked like last night. With a little bit more human of a face (except the trunk, of course...) I had taken her out shopping with me and she was all bundled up, until she got hungry and needed to eat. So I sat down in a chair with her and unwrapped her and realized she looked like an orangutan. I was very concerned people would say mean things about her. So I was very careful to shield her little orangey face from any potential meanies. And, even though she was a little ape, I still thought she was adorable... Good sign, right?
2 Responses
  1. Katie Says:

    I love pregnancy dreams. They are ridiculous!

  2. Todd Blake Says:

    Hmm. Well, since I can't grow a beard for the life of me, I blame the Reichman genes for the excessive hair. But the skinny arms and orange complexion is defititly a Blake trait.