One Week to go!

We are officially one week away from our due date! And to pass the time, we thought we'd take guesses on when she's coming. Leave a comment with your guess! Whoever wins gets the sweet satisfaction of feeling smarter than everyone else!
(Todd's guess is November 29th and KT's guess is December 4th)

So, if you combine those two pictures, you get a rough idea of what my dream baby looked like last night. With a little bit more human of a face (except the trunk, of course...) I had taken her out shopping with me and she was all bundled up, until she got hungry and needed to eat. So I sat down in a chair with her and unwrapped her and realized she looked like an orangutan. I was very concerned people would say mean things about her. So I was very careful to shield her little orangey face from any potential meanies. And, even though she was a little ape, I still thought she was adorable... Good sign, right?